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Netherthorpe School



Netherthorpe School is committed to developing a whole school positive mental health and wellbeing ethos which raises awareness and understanding to reduce stigma amongst students, staff and parent/carers. 

Netherthorpe School aims to help young people express their feelings, build their confidence and emotional resilience and therefore their capacity to learn. Teaching students the signs of poor mental health and self-help techniques to support good mental health is key as well as providing support at an early stage in school. 

With the above in mind this is fundamental to our value of Learn, Enjoy, Succeed.  As we continue to develop this area, the information provided will become more detailed and provide you with the tools for accessing support and help. 

We offer a tiered approach in school that mirrors that in the NHS 

Step 1- Concern noticed by SSL or raised by a parent to an SSL 

The Mental Health Team places the student on the waiting list and reviews the level of support they need in triage. 

Level 1 – Mental Health First Aider to support students with anxiety, bullying, friendships and concerns around school 

Level 2 – ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) to support students with anxiety, bereavement, anger, self-harm and friendship issues 

Level 3 – School Counsellor & Psychotherapist to support bereavement, anxiety, anger, self-harm, neurodivergence, relationship issues, bullying, trauma & abuse and EBSA. 

The school are also proud to champion the local Mental Health Charity ‘Snapp-it’ which offers over links to 5000 detailed points of information, which can be accessed for free:- 



Derbysire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service 

Get in touch


Ralph Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3PU


01246 472220