Netherthorpe School is committed to developing a whole school positive mental health and wellbeing ethos which raises awareness and understanding and reduces stigma amongst students, staff and parent/carers.
Netherthorpe School aims to help young people express their feelings, build their confidence and emotional resilience and therefore their capacity to learn. Teaching students the signs of poor mental health and self-help techniques to support good mental health is key as well as providing support at an early stage in school.
With the above in mind this is fundamental to our value of Learn, Enjoy, Succeed. As we develop this area, the information provided will become more detailed and provide you with the tools for accessing support and help.
Will be including:
MH and Well-being statement
Possible warning signs that indicate a mental health issue
Signposts to support (e.g. derbyandderbyshireemotionalhealthandwellbeing.uk, Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, qwell.io)