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Netherthorpe School



Netherthorpe values its students and rewards them for many different things, including: 

Being helpful/kind, excellent effort, extra-curricular activities, excellent pieces of work or homework, improved effort or work, 100% attendance. 

Reward Points 

Students will be given a reward point on Satchel by staff when they do something good in lessons, around school or during an extra-curricular activity. They may be given 2 points if they do something exceptional.  Form tutors will give students who have correct uniform and equipment all week 5 reward points.  The attendance officer will give all students with 100% attendance each week 5 reward points.  Rewards will be given when students reach certain milestone points.  Students will lose points if they are exited from a lesson (-5), given detention (-1 for break/lunch detention, -2 for an after-school detention) or excluded (internally (-10 per half day) or externally (-20 per half day)). 

Positive points will contribute to the house system. 

For sustained effort and excellent work staff can award postcards of praise or make a phone call home.  Students will be allocated 5 reward points for every postcard of praise they get or every positive call home. 


Number of Reward Points 



Bronze achievement award – certificate and badge 


Silver achievement award – certificate and badge 


Gold achievement award – certificate and badge  


Platinum achievement award – certificate and badge 



Celebrating Success 

Celebration assemblies will be held termly with awards ceremonies for Y7 -10 in the summer term.   

Y11 and Y13 will have graduation evenings where GCSE/A-level certificates will be presented and subject prizes awarded for outstanding effort and progress. 


We will also put in a reward activity at the end of every half term for students who have good behaviour and attendance.  The criteria for each event will be published to students at the start of each half-term, but will be a minimum of 90% attendance for the half term (unless there are extenuating circumstances for absence) and an overall net points total above 0 for the half term. 


Proposed events are: 

October half term – Halloween disco after school 

Christmas – Ice-skating (cost to students, places will be limited).   

February half term – Disco or Karaoke evening after school.   

Summer – Activity day (off site trips open to any students on above 0 net points and over 90% attendance for the half term. There will be a cost to students for off-site activities and places will be limited for each trip) 


Awards for outstanding effort 

These rewards are given in July at the Award ceremonies for Year 7 -10 students.  They are based on effort grades from subject teachers over the whole year. 


Position in year group based on average effort scores for the year 


Top 5% (approx. 10 students) 

Owl Legend Badge 

Next 10% (approx. 20 students) 

Gold Legend Badge  

Next 15% (approx. 30 students) 

Silver Legend Badge  


Praise Breakfast with the Headteacher 

Students are nominated by their teachers for a praise breakfast. The nomination will be linked to one of our 4 key values – respect, community, responsibility or aspiration.  Students who are nominated may choose a friend to take with them. 


Lunchtime behaviour raffle 

Any students caught doing something good during lunchtime can be given a pink raffle ticket by any member of staff on duty. These will be drawn each week for students to win a free cookie or drink from the canteen. 


Netherthorpe School Colours 

The Ultimate Reward for Exceptional Commitment 

To be awarded to Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13 students once each year. 

Recipients must have demonstrated exceptional commitment and leadership within an activity for a period of 3 years or more (unless the student has joined Y12 from another school, where exceptional commitment and leadership for at least 12 months would be the required measure). The activity must be a weekly or at least a regular activity happening for a significant part of each year (eg. a football season). 


A student who has shown exceptional commitment over a period of 3 years or more to: 

  • a School Sports Team - attending practices and having taken on some responsibility within the team. 

  • a Subject Club that takes place regularly. The student has attended regularly and has helped to run the club for some of that time. 

  • the Debating Society and has had some leadership role within the society. 

  • the School Choir and has had some leadership responsibility within the choir. 

  • Peer Counsellors and has a role of responsibility within the group. 


Students who are successful will be awarded a certificate (they may show exceptional commitment to more than one activity and therefore be awarded more than one colours certificate), have their name displayed in a ‘Colours’ Noticeboard and receive the special badge for their blazer. Students will be nominated each year by members of staff and a small committee will meet to make the final decision as to who will receive their School Colours. 

Get in touch


Ralph Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3PU


01246 472220