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Netherthorpe School


Bookbuzz gift book

This week sees year 7 pupils receiving their Bookbuzz gift book. Pupils chose from 17 titles earlier in the term and excitement has been building about when the books would arrive – we are thrilled that they have arrived in time for pupils to receive them before Christmas. “Thank you to Netherthorpe and the Book Trust for enabling pupils to receive these good quality titles again this year. Reading gives pupils the opportunity to escape into their imagination, have space to recharge their mental health and develop their understanding of the world around them. We look forward to hearing their reviews of the books in the New Year.” Mrs Weston, Reading Engagement Lead. Pictured are Jasmine, Sami, Alistair and Evie.

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Ralph Road, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3PU


01246 472220