Contact Details
Mrs K Hilton-Deane (Exams and Data Manager)
01246 472220 (extension 14360)
Important information for students and parents about examinations
Centre Number:23178
Before The Examinations
Examination Entries:
Students, parents/carers are reminded that failure to complete the required coursework, portfolio or attendance for an examination paper on student’s part, will result in parents/carers being required to pay the entry fee.
You will be able to access exam timetables on the school website under About Us – Examinations. Subject staff will inform students of dates of practical examinations/language speaking tests once dates are confirmed.
All students will also receive an individual exam timetable indicating the subjects they are being entered for and the levels of entry, where applicable. Please check that these are correct. Some subjects only have one tier of entry, some have Foundation or Higher tiers. Please check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names) are accurate as these will appear on certificates and may be difficult to change them once they have been awarded. Please note that your legal names will be used.
Timetable Clashes:
Sometimes a student may have a clash where two subjects are timetabled at the same time. If the total duration of the exams are more than 3 hours, you will be required to sit one of the exams in the morning and one in the afternoon. In between this time you will be supervised. If the total duration is less than 3 hours, you will sit the exam papers back to back with a short supervised rest break in between. All clash information will be provided by Mrs Hilton-Deane when you receive your exam timetables. If you think there is a clash on your timetable that has not been resolved or have any questions, please see Mrs Hilton-Deane in the exams office immediately.
Candidate Name:
Candidates are entered under the name format of Legal Forename, Middle name(s), Legal Surname e.g. John Michael Smith. It is therefore important that candidates use their legal names when completing the details on the front of their examination papers so that the awarding body can match the candidate with their entries.
Candidate Number:
Each candidate has a four-digit candidate number. This is the number students will write on their examination papers. Your candidate number will be shown on
your exam timetable and also on the ID card that will be placed on your designated desk.
Students need to ensure they have all the correct equipment before their examinations. Especially black pens, pencils, rulers and erasers. For some exams you may need a calculator and mathematical instruments. We cannot guarantee to lend you any of this equipment so please come prepared.
During Examinations
Examination Regulations:
Notices and warnings to candidates which are issued jointly by all of the awarding bodies are available to view on the school website. All candidates must read them carefully and note that if you break any of the examination rules or regulations it could lead to disqualification from all subjects. The School must report any breach of regulations to the awarding body.
Netherthorpe School Exams Instructions:
Ø Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at School on the correct day and time, properly dressed in school uniform and with the correct equipment. Candidates must arrive at the specified venue at least 10 minutes prior to the start time of their examination. They should wait quietly outside the exam venue until instructed to enter.
Ø Candidates who arrive late for an examination may still be admitted but may not receive any additional time. If special consideration applies then you must speak to the Examinations Office (see the section ABSENCE FROM EXAMINATIONS).
Ø Full school uniform must be worn by all students attending school for examinations. All items of equipment, pens, pencils, mathematical instruments, etc. should be visible to the invigilators at all times. Either use a transparent pencil case or clear plastic bag. Pens should be black ink or ballpoint. No correction pens or Tippex are allowed.
Ø For Mathematics and Science exams, students should make sure their calculators conform to the examination regulations. If in doubt, they should check with their teacher. Remove any covers or instructions and make sure batteries are new.
Ø If you are sat in the Hall for your exam, please put all bags and coats in the cages provided. If you are in any other room, you will be asked to leave your bags and coats outside of the room.
Ø Do not attempt to communicate with or distract other candidates. Examination regulations are very strict regarding items that may be taken into the examination room (see the section FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS). If candidates break these rules they will be disqualified from the examination.
If a mobile phone (or any other type of electronic communication or storage device) is found in their possession during an examination (even if it is turned off) it will be taken from them and a report made to the appropriate awarding body. No exceptions can be made. Any mobile phones or web enabled sources of information must be turned off, placed into the clear wallets provided and then handed to an invigilator until the examination has finished and candidates have been dismissed from the venue. Students are reminded that such items should not be brought into school and that the school will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage. Students will be asked to remove their wrist watch and place in on the desk where it can be seen at all times by the invigilator. Food is not permitted in the examination room although water is allowed provided it is in a clear plastic bottle (label removed).
Ø Candidates are instructed not to draw graffiti or write offensive comments on examination papers – if they do the examination board may refuse to accept their paper.
Ø They must listen carefully to instructions and notices read out by the invigilators – there may be amendments to the exam paper that they need to know about.
Ø They must check they have the correct question paper – check the subject, paper and tier of entry.
Ø All instructions should be carefully read and answers numbered clearly.
Ø No candidate will be allowed to leave an examination early. If they have finished the paper they are advised to use the remaining time to check over their answers and ensure they have completed their details correctly.
Ø At the end of the examination all work must be handed in. Any rough work should be neatly ruled through with a single line. If more than one answer book or loose sheets of paper has been used, candidates should ensure that these are placed in order inside the main answer book.
Ø Invigilators will collect the exam papers before candidates leave the room. Absolute silence must be maintained during this time. Candidates are to remain seated in silence until told to leave the examination room. Leaving the room should be carried out in silence and consideration shown for other candidates who may still be working, or students attending lessons in nearby rooms.
Ø Remember candidates are still under examination conditions until they have left the room. Question papers, answer documents and additional paper must NOT be taken from the exam.
Fire Alarm:
If the fire alarm sounds during an examination, the invigilators will tell candidates what to do. If they have to evacuate the room they will be asked to leave in silence in the order instructed. Everything must be left on the desk. During this period of evacuation, examination regulations still apply and candidates must not communicate with other candidates or any other person. They will be escorted to a designated assembly point. On return to the exam room candidates must not start writing until the invigilator tells them to. Candidates will be allowed the full working time for the examination and a report will be sent to the awarding body detailing the incident.
The School employs external invigilators to conduct the examinations. Invigilators are respected members of the community trained in this specific role. Students are expected to behave in a respectful manners towards all invigilators and follow their instructions at all times.
Invigilators are in the exam rooms to supervise the conduct of the examination in accordance with the regulations. They will also distribute and collect the examination papers, tell candidates when to start and finish the exam, hand out extra writing paper if required and deal with any problems that occur during the examination, for example if a candidate is feeling ill.
If a candidate has a problem during the exam, they are instructed to raise their hand to attract an invigilators attention.
Students who are disruptive or behave in an unacceptable manner will be removed from the examination by invigilators or senior members of staff.
Absence from Examinations:
If difficulties are experienced during the examination period (e.g. illness, injury, personal problems) please inform the school at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise.
Only in exceptional circumstances are candidates allowed special consideration for absence from any part of an examination. It is essential that medical or other appropriate evidence is obtained and given to the Examination Officer without
delay in all cases where an application is to be made for special consideration. A self-certification form (JCQ/ME Form 14) can be obtained from the Examinations Officer. This form must be signed by the student, parent and countersigned by your doctor/nurse or surgery staff.
Parents and candidates are reminded that the School will require payment of entry fees should a candidate fail to attend an examination without good reason and without informing the school, as detailed in the Examination Contract. Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence. Parents are asked to refrain from arranging family holidays when examinations are taking place and if absence permission for this purpose is sought, authorisation will not be given.
After Examinations
If a student needs someone else to collect their results for them, the student must write a letter giving that person permission to do so. Preferably let Mrs Hilton-Deane have it, or ask them to bring it with them on results day.
Candidates requiring their results to be posted must provide an envelope, with their name and the address to which the results are to be posted, stamped to the value of a the envelope size. Such results will be posted on the above dates and not before.
Uncollected/unposted results will be available for collection from the Exams Office.
Please note that no results can be given out by telephone or E mail under any circumstance.
We strongly advise that results are collected by the candidates themselves or by another person as we cannot be held responsible for the postal system.
Post Results Service:
If you need post-results advice, Netherthorpe School staff will be available to help you results day.
If a student feels that their examination results do not reflect their performance and are significantly different from what was expected, then they may make an enquiry requesting a review of marking.
All enquiries must be directed through the Exams Officer. Candidates are not permitted to enquire directly to the examination boards.
As a result of a review of marking, the candidates mark may be confirmed, raised or lowered. Careful thought must be given before making a request and candidates must sign a consent form stating that they understand what could happen to their marks.
The first stage of the procedure is for students to collect and complete an application and consent form and pass this to Mrs Hilton-Deane. Once you have paid the necessary fee to the finance department in school, Mrs Hilton-Deane will
then process the request. You can find cost information on the application form. Once the outcome has been returned to the school, Mrs Hilton-Deane will let you know straight away. Please note that this can take up to several weeks unless you request a priority review of marking (A Level students only).
You are also entitled to purchase copies of your marked examination papers. The cost of this can also be found on the application form.
Presentation of Certificates:
A Presentation Evening will take place in December for GCSE and A Level) when it is hoped that students will be able to attend to receive their certificates. Invitations to students and their parents will be sent out with full details nearer the time.
Students who are unable to attend Presentation Evening will be able to collect their certificates from the Exams Office after the Presentation Evening, during school hours. Certificates will not be given to anyone other than the candidate without the candidate's written authorisation. Netherthorpe School is only obliged to keep certificates for a period of one year after issue. If candidates do not collect their certificates within this time (or if they lose their certificates) they can only be replaced, or a certifying statement of results issued, by direct application by the candidate to the appropriate examination boards. This will require proof of identify (such as a birth certificate) and a substantial fee (£30 - £50) per examination board. Students are therefore urged to collect their certificates and to keep them safe.
Frequently Asked Questions
hat do I do if there’s a clash on my timetable?
· The School will re-schedule papers internally (on the same day) where there is a clash of subjects. Candidates will normally sit one paper then have a break during which they will be supervised and must not have any communication with other candidates. They will then sit the second subject paper. It may be necessary for you to bring a packed lunch if you have exams in the morning and afternoon as you will have to remain supervised until both examinations are completed. All clash information will be provided for the candidate when they receive their exam timetables. If in doubt, please see the Exams Officer.
Q. What do I do if I think I have the wrong paper?
· Invigilators will ask you to check before the exam starts. If you think something is wrong, put your hand up and tell the invigilator immediately.
Q. What do I do if I forget the School Centre Number?
· The School Centre Number is 23178. It will be clearly displayed in the examination rooms.
Q. What do I do if I have an accident or I am ill before the exam?
· Inform School at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise you. In the case of an accident that means you are unable to write, it may be possible to provide you with a laptop or scribe but we will need as much prior notice as possible. If you want the School to make an application for special consideration, we will need medical evidence from your GP or hospital.
Q. What do I do if I am too ill to come into school to sit the exam?
· Please inform School as soon as you can on the morning of the examination. If you are too ill to sit your examination, you will be required to fill in a self-certification form (form 14) which you can collect from school. This form will need to be signed by yourself, your parent/guardian and your GP’surgery.
Q. What is Special Consideration?
· Special Consideration is an adjustment to the marks or grades of a candidate who is eligible for consideration. Parents should be aware that any adjustment is likely to be small and no feedback is ever provided. Candidates will only be eligible for Special Consideration if they have been fully prepared and covered the whole course but performance in the examination or in the production of coursework is affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control. Examples of such circumstances may be illness (affecting performance on the day of the exam), accident or injury, bereavement, domestic crisis. The Examination Officer must be informed immediately, so that the necessary paperwork can be completed and the candidate will be required to provide evidence to support such an application.
Q. What do I do if I feel ill during the exam?
· Put your hand up and an invigilator will assist you. You should inform an invigilator if you feel ill before or during an exam and if you feel this may have affected your performance.
Q. If I’m late, can I still sit the examination?
· Although late, it may still be possible for you to sit the examination. You should get to School as quickly as possible (at least by 10am for a morning exam or 2.10pm for an afternoon exam) and report to Reception. A member of staff will escort you to the exam room. You must not enter an examination room without permission after an examination has begun. It may not be possible to allow you any extra time if you start the examination later. You should also be aware that if you start the exam
more than 1 hour after the published starting time, the School must inform the awarding body and it is possible that the board may decide not to accept your work. Please ensure that you allow enough time to get to school so that if you are delayed (e.g. through transport problems) you will still arrive on time.
Q. If I miss the examination, can I take it on another day?
· Under no circumstance will a public examination be rearranged.
Q. Do I have to wear school uniform?
· Yes. Normal school regulations apply to uniform, hair, jewellery, makeup, shoes etc.
Q. How do I know how long the exam is?
· The length of the examination is shown in minutes on your individual timetable under the heading ‘duration’. Invigilators will tell you when to start and finish the exam. They will write the finish time of the exam on the board at the front of the room.
Q. Can I go to the toilet during an exam?
· Only if it is absolutely necessary. You will be escorted by an invigilator and will not be allowed any extra time. It is good practice to go to the toilet before lining up to enter the exam venue.
Q. Why can’t I use my preferred name on my exam papers?
· All exam entries are submitted to the awarding bodies using your legal name and this is what will appear on your exam certificates. To use your preferred name causes a mismatch of the awarding body records and could delay the issue of results.
Q. I am entitled to extra time – how will this affect the way I take my exams?
· Some students receive an allowance of extra time for some of their examinations. Invigilators are made aware of such candidates before the exam starts. You will have an extra time card placed on your desk. If you think you are entitled to extra time but do not have a card on your desk, please ask the invigilator who will check this for you.
Q. What equipment should I bring for my exams?
· You should bring at least 2 black ink pens
· For maths and science exams you need a calculator, a ruler, mathematical instruments and at least 2 HB pencils.
· You are responsible for providing your own equipment for examinations.
Regulations state:
Calculators must be: · Of a size suitable for use on the desk · Either battery or solar powered · Free of lids, cases and covers which have printed instructions or formulas The candidate is responsible for the following: · The calculators power supply · The calculators working condition · Clearing anything stored in the calculator Calculators must not: · Be designed or adapted to offer any of these facilities:- o Language Translators o Symbolic algebra manipulation o Symbolic differentiation or integration o Communication with other machines or the internet o Be borrowed from another candidate during an examination for any reason · Have retrievable information stored in them – this includes: o Databanks o Dictionaries o Mathematical Formulas o Text
Check with subject staff if you are unsure if your calculator meets these requirements